Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Law - Term Paper Example A LLC is an adaptable business element that joins the components of an organization and that of a partnership. It gives constrained obligation to its individuals. Constrained risk infers that the obligation of a part is restricted to a specific aggregate, which as a rule is the estimation of the individuals commitment to the business. An investor in a LLC isn't by and by subject for any liabilities acquired by the element except if to the degree of their interest in the substance. This plan of action is perfect for Paul as it will permit him to shape the business with both Sara and Ronald. Contrasted with an association, a LLC doesn't give joint or individual risk. In an organization, accomplices are not just at risk for the activities attempted by the substance yet additionally obligated for their activities. A partnership, then again, isn't favored because of the expenses and time associated with its joining. Joining a business requires extra administrative work contrasted with a L LC on the grounds that they are profoundly controlled. Also, partnerships are burdened twice, that is on the grounds that the companys benefits just as the profits paid to its investors bring about charges (Baden-Fuller and Morgan 2010). The means engaged with framing a LLC incorporate picking and enrolling a business name, which must not be like that of any enlisted substance and ought to show that the business is a LLC. It is additionally a prerequisite to record articles of association. These are reports which contain the name of the business, its location and the names of its individuals. Similarly significant is the formation of a working understanding, which specifies the principles and guidelines for the activity of the business. Working understandings regularly incorporate assignment of benefits and misfortunes, rights and obligations of individuals, and different arrangements that permit the business to work easily. Pauls thought of charging less costs so as to veer off
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Speckled band Essay Example for Free
The Speckled band Essay The terrible subtleties that Conan Doyle puts across in his accounts are not hosed at all and this causes the story to appear to be progressively convincing. He tries really hard to depict everything so a full picture can be built without leaving anything to the creative mind. This guarantees the peruser sees the story in precisely the way Conan Doyle needs them to see it. It likewise stresses the sentiment of trust for the storyteller since hes sharing such a large number of subtleties. In The Adventure of the Engineers Thumb a case of this detail appears in the section verbally expressed by the designer: Oh no: not presently. I will need to advise my story to the police; be that as it may, between ourselves, on the off chance that it were not for the persuading proof regarding this injury of mine, I ought to be astonished on the off chance that they accepted my announcement, for it is an extremely unprecedented one, and I have very little in the method of verification with which to back it up. What's more, regardless of whether they trust me, the pieces of information which I can give them are obscure to such an extent that it is an inquiry whether equity will be finished. So as to build the picture made by Conan Doyle, discussion is short, sharp and genuine to ensure that lone realities are communicated to the peruser so they can make up their own brain about what's going on. Conan Doyle doesnt power his sentiments on them and this makes it increasingly sensible. A case of this sort of discussion is traded among Holmes and the Engineer: One pony? contributed Holmes. Indeed, just one. Did you watch the shading? Truly, I saw it by the sidelights when I was venturing into the carriage. It was chestnut. Tired-looking or new? Gracious, new and gleaming. Much obliged to you. I am sorry to have interfered with you. Implore proceed with your most intriguing proclamation. The designer is by all accounts telling all that he knows and this makes him substantially more trustworthy. The point by point portrayal of the occasions has another impact. It bit by bit develops the anticipation and the peruser is permitted to think about what the riddle could be and what could be so unordinary. The architects proclamation is incredibly extended to guarantee this happens viably. The interest of this story is expanded by the odd complexities between the characters. To the other side of the architect, there is a truly good expert man, Dr. Watson, who is as a conspicuous difference to the idiosyncratic and irregular private analyst Sherlock Holmes and they are both as a glaring difference to the specialist, a man of manual occupation. The eccentricity, that is so special to Holmes character, includes a further degree of authenticity to the story since it empowers turns to the plot that guarantee the story isn't tedious. The name Colonel Lysander Stark gives a feeling of interest. The peruser is without a moment's delay set off about his conduct, helped to remember a cliché Colonel, who is a pitiless unforgiving individual with aggressive savagery. He is depicted as a model scalawag. He has a German inflection, which was a typical nationality for cliché antagonists of accounts of the time. From the earliest starting point, he is depicted as meager, baffling and barbaric. These characteristics can be seen from Conan Doyles portrayal of Stark: he is man rather over the average size yet of a surpassing slimness. I don't believe that I have ever observed so dainty a man. His entire face honed away into nose and jawline, and the skin of his cheeks was drawn very tense over his extraordinary bones. However this anorexia appeared to be his characteristic propensity, and because of no ailment, for his eye was brilliant, his progression lively, and his bearing guaranteed. Utilizing little however significant portrayal, he can develop a ground-breaking picture that can stun the peruser. It is quickly acceptable and this effectively calms the peruser into an incorrect conviction that all is well with the world. At the point when every bit of relevant information is at long last uncovered it is all the more dazzling and significantly more effective in engaging the peruser. The language of the time appeared to be as formal and as precise English as it could be and substantially less slang was utilized. Holmes and Watson talk commonly rich English. Utilizing a language like this gives the tales the environment of that time. Conan Doyle set up a convention of investigator fiction and subsequently Sherlock Holmes got one of the most well known and famous analysts. When Conan Doyle slaughtered off Sherlock Holmes, the general population was crushed to find out about the passing of the investigator. Men in London wore dark armbands as a characteristic of dissent. It got so terrible that Conan Doyle even got demise dangers and subsequently he re-presented Sherlock Holmes. This equitable shows how well known, reasonable and acceptable the Sherlock Holmes stories truly are. The motivation behind why Sherlock Holmes stories are well known is a direct result of their interesting and practical characters and settings. The narratives are exceptionally engaging and it gives you an away from of what's going on in them. The settings make a hypnotizing and baffling air from a captivating period in time for the peruser to be brought into. Show review just The above see is unformatted content This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle segment.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Understanding Emotions Through Facial Expressions
Understanding Emotions Through Facial Expressions Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Social Skills Print How to Read Facial Expressions You can improve your ability to read others emotions By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on November 20, 2019 Zone Creative/Vetta/Getty Images More in Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Social Skills Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Work and School Related Conditions The ability to understand facial expressions is an important part of nonverbal communication. If you only listen to what a person says and ignore what that persons face is telling you, then you really only have half the story.?? Often words do not match emotions, and the face betrays what a person is actually feeling. If you suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD) you might have a hard time paying attention to facial expressions. You might have trouble with eye contact or read too much into negative expressions on other peoples faces. Although it is important to pay attention to facial expressions, remember that knowing the emotion doesnt tell you the cause. If someone seems bored, upset or disinterested it could be for a number of reasons â€" and have nothing to do with you. The value in understanding facial expressions is to gather information about how the other person is feeling and guide your interaction accordingly. If someone appears disinterested she might just be tired, and it might be time to end the conversation. Below are five tips to help you better read the facial expressions of others. Universal Emotions Research by Dr. Paul Eckman tells us that there are a handful of universal facial expressions that cross cultural divides. Even blind people make the same faces to express the same universal emotions.?? The universal expressions are: SurpriseFearDisgustContemptAngerSadnessHappiness Practice making the facial expressions that go along with these emotions and you will become better at recognizing them in other people. Micro-Expressions Not all facial expressions stick around for a long time. Those that pass quickly are called micro-expressions?? and are almost indiscernible to the casual observer. You might be picking up on these micro-expressions if you get a feeling about someone. Dont ignore your gut. Eyebrows Eyebrows?? tell a lot about what a person is feeling. They can be... Raised and arched (surprise)Lowered and knit together (anger)Inner corners drawn up (sadness) Watch someones eyebrows to get a handle on how that person is feeling. Eyes The only thing more telling than the eyebrows are the eyes?? themselves. They might be Wide open (surprise)Intensely staring (anger)Have crows feet crinkles (happy) In addition, dilated pupils can indicate fear or romantic interest, while rapid blinking might signal dishonesty or stress. Mouth The final piece of the facial expression puzzle has to do with the mouth.?? Look for: A dropped jaw (surprise)Open mouth (fear)One side of the mouth raised (hate)Corners raised (happiness)Corners drawn down (sadness) Other signals to look for are: Lip biting (anxiety)Pursed lips (distaste)Covering the mouth (hiding something) How to Read Body Language and Facial Expressions These are only a few tips to get you thinking about the facial expressions you see during conversation and what they mean.?? If you find you are having a hard time reading other peoples emotions through their expressions, you might need more practice, or you might simply have trouble decoding what others are feeling If your inability to read facial expressions causes you distress, consider seeking help from a mental health professional to identify the issue and appropriate method of remediation.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Global Warming A Serious Problem - 1495 Words
For someone who does not celebrate Christmas, December was enjoyably warm last year. My grandfather said he brought the warmth when he came back from Pakistan the month before; but for me, the outdoor activities that weekend were a guilty pleasure. I had daymares about sea levels rising and destroying the beautiful seacoast I have always called my home, my daughter growing up in a world lacking in luxuries that I have always had, cursing me for not taking care of the earth that she was to live on. I saved my grandpa the worry of what I know is a very serious problem: Global Warming(â€Å"What’s Behind the Freakishly Warm Winter in the Eastern U.S.?†). Accordingly, there is a popular quote that frequents my Facebook newsfeed regularly: â€Å"There is no Planet B.†This would have meant nothing to me before, but taking Introduction to Environmental Issues has enlightened me on the true complexity of the global warming crisis. We have an exponentially growing human population with proportionally increasing demands that rob the health of this planet. Every single action we take is linked to toxic waste choking the immense but limited ocean. Pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is exposing every vulnerable life to the harmful rays of the sun and drowning precious land where water shouldn’t be. Global warming is no longer a debate but a crisis to be quickly addressed, considering more than 97 percent of scientists agree that climate change is a direct result of humanShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming Is A Serious Problem Essay1675 Words  | 7 Pagesdisappearing habitats, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans.â⠂¬ (Berger, 2015) Global warming is a serious problem for several reasons including melting glaciers, more severe storms, and the effects that it is having on our wild life/ sea life due to the greenhouse effect. We must start taking measures to help the effects of global warming. If we do not start making changes to help the issue that global warming is bringing, we will really start to regret it because we only have one earth and ifRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Serious Problem982 Words  | 4 PagesGlobal warming is a serious problem the world faces today. Most people don’t know, or just don’t care, what global warming is and how it affects them. What causes global warming? What effect is it or will it have on my life? How can we fix it? It is not too late to save our planet but it will take some effort from everyone. The earth’s atmosphere is supposed to trap heat or the earth would freeze overnight and it would be uninhabitable. The problem is all the extra chemicals that we are puttingRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Serious Problem1177 Words  | 5 PagesRecently, global warming has become a serious problem in Australia. Global warming is a naturalized phenomenon. In general, global warming always caused by the emission of carbon dioxide. Then the Earth’s surface and ocean temperature get warmer. People burn fossil fuels such as oil and coal could create greenhouse gases to the atmospheric layer. (Oxford, 2016) Both the releasing in automobile exhaust and decreasing in the forested area also can make the global warming. Hence, global warming would makeRead MoreGlobal Warming : Deforestation Is A Serious Problem1717 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal Warming: Deforestation Global warming has become a serious problem for us, and the Earth itself. Global warming is when Earth’s temperature increases, due mainly to human activity and the greenhouse effect. This is affecting our atmosphere, causing an increase in temperature. This is mostly humans’ fault since we are the ones that contribute the most to global warming. Due to overpopulation, the demand for many of the things we use everyday have increased dramatically. Factories and the burningRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Big And Serious Life Threatening Problem1254 Words  | 6 Pagesdrought, more floods, more acidification of the oceans, more rising sea levels. - (Brainy Quotes). Global warming is a big and serious life threatening problem. Since the 1990’s Global warming’s an issue to the world because greenhouses gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and etc. has been entering our atmosphere . The past years there has been more climate changes which has come to be a pro blem as a rise in catastrophes such as hurricanes and tornadoes. People will have to come into a solutionRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1235 Words  | 5 Pagesmay not be feeling the effects of global warming at the moment, but in time it will become a more widespread issue. The effects of global warming are hard to refute, and there is endless evidence of this growing problem in our world today. The continuation of global warming is a serious threat to everyone and everything on Earth. Global warming has been a problem for over a hundred years, and it continues to grow every day. The first evidence of global warming was discovered in 1859 by John TyndallRead MoreCauses Of Environmental Issues1467 Words  | 6 Pagescare. However, the global issues around the world are the most serious and concerning problems. According to Globe scan, 64% out of 25,000 people said environmental issue is the most serious problem. Like other issues, environmental issue is a growing problem around the whole world. Some people know and say that humans have to save the Earth, but how many of them actually keep those rules to save it? For that reason, environmental issue is an ongoing problem, and global warming is the huge and significantRead MoreGlobal Warming : A Global Climate Change1457 Words  | 6 Pageshappened by global warming like, increasing the temperature degrees, and melting the snow mountains around the word. However, global warming has played a major role in chan ging the weather all over the world. The climate change all over the world is a proof that the weather conditions are changing. Global warming has made some of the hottest land cold now and the countries that never had a summer in millenniums are now having sunlight regularly. These are the basic changes that signify that global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming Is the Greatest Threat to Our World Today.1206 Words  | 5 Pagesflooded; these and many more are all problems we are facing in our everyday lives due to global warming. â€Å"The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.†Said Al Gore in a speech at the National Sierra Club Convention in 2005. Many would agree with Gore in taking the side that global warming is the greatest threat to our world today. Global warming has a chain reaction effect, causingRead MoreClimate Warming : Global Warmi ng Essay1095 Words  | 5 PagesCurrently, the temperature of the earth’s climate system continues to rapidly increase which leads to global warming. Global warming, by definition is the â€Å"gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants†(Webster’s). There are many reasons why global warming occurs, such as human activities and the increasing of gases; for instance carbon dioxide in the
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Online Masters and Doctorates Degrees in Education 2019
Individuals who begin a college level course of study with the intention of teaching at the elementary or high school level will major in education. It is rare that you will see a program labeled teaching degree. Education degrees tend to focus on specific levels or aspects of teaching. Masters and doctorate degrees are offered in education. There are program offerings available such as Masters in Education/Early Childhood Education. The University of Phoenix Online offers the following degrees in education: Master of Arts in Education/Curriculum Instruction Adult Education Master of Arts in Education/Curriculum Instruction Computer Education Master of Arts in Education/Curriculum Instruction ESL Master of Arts in Education/Early Childhood Education Master of Arts in Education/Elementary Teacher Education Master of Arts in Education/Secondary Teacher Education Master of Arts in Education/Special Education As you may have noticed, not all of these degrees are geared for classroom instruction. Some of these degrees would put a person in an administrative or planning position in a school state board office of education. .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8:active, .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uf9593b5f63d31f0cbb1198562b9bdde8:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Earning an Education in Business AccountingDoctoral programs in education are also available at the University of Phoenix Online. The focuses for the two doctoral programs the school offers are educational leadership and curriculum and instruction. An individual with one of these degrees might teach on the college level or take on a leadership role in an educational district. Capella University offers the following advanced degree programs for people already working as teachers: Leadership in Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Advanced Classroom Instruction, and Reading and Literacy. These programs are also geared for those interested in educational management or leadership positions. Capella also offers the following advanced degrees for individuals who are not certified teachers: Leadership for Higher Education, Postsecondary and Adult Education, Professional Studies in Education, Instructional Design for Online Learning, Training and Performance Improvement, and Enrollment Management. There are advanced degree programs available at Jones International University for those who want to become teachers. There are fourteen concentrations available in the schools masters of education program offerings. Five of the programs are for those who would like to obtain their teachers license. There are also programs for those looking to play administrative roles in education. .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04:active, .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uaeed6987941e02dc818721e8e4da1e04:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Technology SchoolsWith online colleges, and most other institutions, you are likely to obtain your masters degree along with teacher certification. Related ArticlesMasters Degrees in Education OnlineEarly Childhood Education Teaching CertificationUse the Internet to Attain a Masters Degree in TeachingAcquiring Your Teaching Degree On The InternetThe Doctorate in Education Educational LeadershipFind Online Education and Teaching Degree Programs
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Book Report (the Titans Curse by Rick Rordan) Free Essays
Percy Jackson The Titans Curse In this Percy Jackson and the Olympians book, it starts out when Thalia daughter of Zeus, Annabeth daughter or Athena, and Percy son of Poseidon set out to help Grover who found two really power full half bloods escort them back to camp have blood. But then they run into trouble when this really power monster shows up that works for Cronus try’s to take Bianca and Nico the two really powerful other half bloods. Before there group was about to be defeated Artemis goddess of the hunt and the moon sun of Apollo shows up and rescues them with her huntresses. We will write a custom essay sample on Book Report (the Titans Curse by Rick Rordan) or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also Annabeth saved them but in the process she falls off the cliff and they could not find her, little do they no that she was really just captured by Luke and Cronus, Bianca joined the hunt with Artemis and left Nico at camp half blood to train to become stronger. Artemis left her huntresses to go find the one monster that could destroy Olympus, while trying to find the monster she was captured by Cronus and needs to be rescued before the winter solstice so that she can convince the council that they need to go to war to prevent the titans rise. So a quest was given to Zoe who was the leader of the huntresses that they should go save Artemis before the winter solstice and when she went to go consult the Delphi Oracle it said â€Å"five shall go west hunters and campers combined will not fail one shall be lost in the land without rain and another shall parish by a parents hand. †So since Zoe was the quest leader she got to choose who goes with her, she chose three hunters and two campers but one of the hunters got sick so she couldn’t go so only four of them left for the quest Zoe Bianca, Thalia and Grover but then Percy wanted to go save Annabeth so he snuck off to save her. He ends up meeting up with and saves them from the monster that tries to kill them early. When the got to New Mexico (which is a land with out rain) they go into the gods junk yard and this giant mechanical robot thing comes to life and then Bianca jumped into the robot and defeated it but she was lost and could not be found. They had to go all the way from camp half blood which is right out side New York all the way to California. When they finally go to California the had to go up the mountain of the titans so it is really dangerous also the general is back which is cronus’s number one warrior you no the guy who holds up the sky atlas. When they get up there they see Annabeth laying on the ground over where you hold up the sky and Artemis holding up the sky they also see Luke and Atlas and an army behind them Percy Jackson did the naturally stupid thing and charged Atlas but cause of this curse that was put on Percy his weapon riptide failed him and so he ran over to where Artemis was holding up the sky and took the sky for her so that she could fight Atlas, While that was happening Thalia was fighting Luke after he was defeated by her, he tried to jump at her but her reflexes was to fast and she kicked him off the cliff with was like a 30 foot drop so he should have died but didn’t when Artemis was fighting Atlas she was defeated and before she was about to get seriously hurt Zoe jumped in the way and saved her, which gave Artemis enough time to get up and ready to fight again. In the mean time Zoe was seriously hurt and was about to die and everyone else was about to get defeated but then Artemis kicked Atlas under the sky again and so Percy jumped out of the way and so Atlas was stuck once again under the sky, but there was still a giant army that was surrounding them but out of no where Annabeth’s dad which owned a plane came out and started shooting all the monsters with Celtic bronze bullets which gave Artemis enough time to call down a chariot and so they jumped in to get away. Zoe was still really injured and on her death bed. She ends up dieing and then they find out that Atlas was Zoe’s dad so she perished by a parents hand. When they get back to camp half blood Nico found out his sister died so he got really angry and ran off which on his way finds out he is the son of Hades. Up on mount Olympus on the winter solstice they end up finding the monster which was a harmless cow sea serpent and so if you sacrifice a harmless monster you g ain the power to over throw the gods, Artemis convinces the gods that they need to go to war with the titans. How to cite Book Report (the Titans Curse by Rick Rordan), Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accounting Policies And Reliability
Question: Discuss about the Accounting Policies And Reliability? Answer: Introduction The report starts with a discussion on harmonisation of accounting standards. How and why the harmonisation process is useful has been explained. Harmonisation is then compared and contrasted against the process of convergence. The convergence of IFRS into GAAP has been briefed a little in the report. The impacts of such convergence on various economies in EU have been briefly discussed. The aim of the report is to explain the importance of uniform accounting practices for the companies that are operating in global economy. The report then goes on to discuss the qualitative and fundamental aspects of financial reporting and why is it useful to have reporting that are fundamentally strong and sound. International accounting standards Harmonisation basically means bridging the differences in financial reporting. The purpose of harmonisation is to make the accounting standard uniform so that all the disclosures are done in the same way by all the companies. If financial reports are prepared in different ways by all the companies, it becomes difficult for the reader to understand each and every aspect of the financial reporting. So, there are some standard rules and procedures that are to be followed by all the companies which is known as harmonisation of accounting standards. According to Combs, Samy and Myachina (2013), Harmonisation of accounting may vary from country to country. Thus for international investors, it becomes difficult to understand the accounting standards of other countries. Here the term convergence comes into picture which means creating a harmony between accounting standards that are followed by different regulatory bodies. An example of this would be international Accounting standards (IAS) and US Accounting standards (GAAP). This would enhance the confidence of international investors while making investment decisions. Harmonisation takes into account the comparability of the reports and to ensure that the chances of occurrence of any reporting as well as reading errors are minimum (Nobes, 2014). With the help of harmonisation reading complexity of all the financial statements is reduced. Harmonisation also tries to ensure that the process of auditing is smoothened out and the audit reports are prepared uniformly across a country (Jannelli and Tesone, 2013). On the other hand, convergence takes into account, harmonisation of international accounting standards. Harmonisation does not deal with the quality of reporting but convergence deals with the quality of reporting. Convergence also aims to ensure that the international financial reporting that all the companies could use for national and international reporting. Harmonisation aims at increasing agreements in the accounting standards and rules between parties. But it does not involve standardisation of accounting practices (Beke, 2010). Convergence leads to standardisation of accounting process across countries. In harmonisation, as long as there is no logical conflict in the financial representation, or a conflict between the set accounting rules, it would be accepted and followed. But in convergence, the accounting processes and rules are standardised and are to be followed globally. There cannot be any difference because of different boundaries. Convergence can also be defined as an effort of IASB to promulgate the different national accounting standards and use the expertise of these standards to promulgate the best possible international accounting standards. It ensures compatibility in all the international reporting. Convergence tries to remove the barriers for financial reporting when they try to move across boundaries. However harmonisation aims at producing synergistic results within the boundaries of a single economy. It aims at making the reporting uniform so that readers can compare the performance by using similar performance indicators. Advantages and Disadvantages of Harmonisation The advantages and disadvantages of harmonisation is discussed in the table below. Advantages Disadvantages Harmonisation aids comparability of the financial reports irrespective of the industry and thus acts as an important tool in the hands of the investors. Harmonisation does not take into account international scenario and thus is subjected to condemnation. The quality of reporting by the companies operating in under developed economies may not be explicit enough. Financial reporting appears to be more consistent because of harmonisation. Harmonisation ignores the fact that the conditions for accounting may be different and thus uniform reporting on uniform features makes it difficult for the companies a lot of times. Harmonisation aids the process of investment and various analysis can be performed by the experts. So all the investments that are made are informed investments. Harmonisation cannot provide a fool proof answer to the questions posed by the operators in a global economy (Bradshaw and Miller, 2008). The Adoption of IFRS in the EU Any business enterprise that is operating in EU is supposed to use IFRS accounting standards for the purpose of reporting. From the year 2015, endorsement has been made compulsory by regulatory authorities in EU(Shim, Siegel and Shim 2012). Since then EU has been one of the major contributors to IFRS in terms of market capitalisation. No account consolidation is possible without following principles of IFRS in EU. As per a research conducted by Biondi (2014) still there are a few companies who are following the principles of GAAP. Adoption of IFRS made financial reporting process more transparent, comparable and encouraged liquidity, more capital inflows. The markets in the European Union became more investment friendly as international investors were able to make informed investments. (Source: European commission, 2015) The endorsement process of IFRS was made public so that every change that is incorporated in the system is transparent. The monitoring board made direct interaction with IFRS foundation which in turn put the issues of IASB and IFRICs. It was made sure at each levels that the responsible authorities are providing unbiased opinions and there are no vested interests as such. IASB also proposed to develop a conceptual framework wherein they agreed to respond to the demands of stakeholders of these policies as well as respond to the concerns of the regulatory bodies. The role that was to be played by each committee member was made clear by IASB but at the same time the concerns related to standards were to be addressed by EFRAG(European Financial Reporting Advisory Group). The committee would also prepare a report on the expected economic effects of the changes and on the other financial indicators of the economy. Then it would go ahead and propose the draft to the other team members of the board. If any of the team members want to oppose to any changes that are made in the reporting standards then they need to do so within the three months. Else it would be assumed that the proposed draft has been accepted. The regulatory bodies basically had two main concerns. They wanted to address the concerns of investors as well as the concerns raised by taxation authorities. The standards should be Anglo-Saxon and also should be able to address the queries of creditors. In a study conducted by Terzungwe (2012) on Nigerian firms it was noticed that by converging into IFRS, the firms could get better opportunities at international level. They gained on cross border listing, had better competitiveness and they could eliminate the need for reconciliation of information that was reported by their financial accounts. In another study conducted on Italian firms by Cordazzo (2013), it was found out that there existed huge discrepancy between the GAAP and the IFRS. The impact of different accounting rules in the financial accounts created big differences in net income as the treatment of intangible assets and taxes. Another implication for Convergence of IFRS in EU was cost that was to be incurred in training the professionals for the new accounting standards. The diversities that existed in EU in the accounting standards made the convergence a tedious and complex process however it came out with a lot of advantages (Harper, Leatherbury, Machuca and Phillips, 2012). The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting The conceptual framework for financial reporting explains the rules and procedures that are to be followed while making financial disclosures. It helps in providing help to the regulatory authorities to develop standards that would assure consistency in the disclosures as well as interpretation ways. This has to ensure that the reporting is clear and concise and there does not exist any scope for any loopholes for fraud and misrepresentation (Teixeira, 2015). Qualitative Characteristics Qualitative characteristics that are to be described are comparability, transparency, integrity, verifiability and timeliness. Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics All the financial disclosures that are made by the companies must be done keeping into mind the users requirements. So apart from addressing the fundamental needs of the financial reporting, it should be able to provide suitable explanations to the varieties of concerns that are raised by various stakeholders. The fundamental qualitative characteristics are materiality, relevance and faithful representation. Apart from this other factors that are to be kept into mind are verifiability, comparability, timeliness and understandability. The fundamental aspects can be explained as follows. Relevance: The financial reporting should contain only those data that could be used as information for at least one set of stakeholders. The reporting should add value to the decision making process of the reader. Faithful Representation: People who have invested money and have some kind of interests attached with any business organisation would certainly like to have a clear picture about the firm. So the financial data that are represented should be free from error, complete and unbiased. Materiality: This characteristic ensures that the data that are represented are entity specific and pertain to a specific time period. The reader should be able to clearly understand the purpose and time period of the disclosure. Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics Since the quality of accounting does not have any fixed definition that all are supposed to follow, the quality of reporting would generally be understood by looking at some fundamental principles. The others are value additions which act lie cherry on the pie and supports stakeholders requirements. The determinants of the financial reporting would be the analysts who are using the information provided by the companies to lure the investors, the legal system who would want to have fair tax revenues, the debtors and the capital providers. The regulatory authorities want this reporting to be uniform so that financial audits and financial performance can be judged uniformly (Abbas and Al-abdullah, 2012). The enhanced qualitative characteristics can be explained as follows. Reliability: The reader of the data should be sure that whatever is being disclosed is reliable and being prepared by someone who has required knowledge about the same. A completely reliable accounting reporting would be one where all the depictions that are being made have required information and the user is being able to understand the phenomenon that is being depicted. Comparability: From investors perspective it is very important to be able to choose between options. They should also be able to compare the past performance with the current performance so that they can decide on the growth path of their investments. The feature comparability also enables users to compare between different companies in the same industry and also between two firms in completely different industry. Consistency: The accounting procedures that are used should be consistent over the years. Same items should be treated in the same way over the years. The ways of treating each and every item should be uniform. Verifiability: The reader of the information should be sure that all the information that has been depicted in the accounts are free of errors are completely unbiased. At any point of time, if anyone wishes can verify the data using appropriate channels. The reader should be sure that the information depicts only reality and nothing else (Ball, Li and Shivakumar,2015). Timeliness: The availability of data at the correct time is of utmost importance. There is no point of having an information when is significance has been lost. So, timeliness is one important aspect of financial reporting. Understandability: The conceptual framework of reporting affirms that if the data is presented in a clear and concise manner following all the guidelines would be understood in the correct way. Conclusion The above discussion puts a light on the importance and usage of harmonisation of accounts. The importance of harmonisation over convergence has also been explained. The convergence of IFRS in the EU economies has significant effects in terms of net income and equity of the users of accounting standards. Finally the paper has put light on the fundamental and other qualitative characteristics of financial reporting. The aspects like relevance, comparability, faithfulness, understandability, verifiability are emphasised in the paper. The paper explains the purpose of accounting from various stakeholders point of view. References Abbas, B. and Al-abdullah, R., 2012. Are IASB's Qualitative Characteristics Reflected in IFRSs? IAS 29 as a Case Study. Research Journal of economics, business and ICT. 5. Ball, R., Li, X. and Shivakumar, L., 2015. Contractibility and transparency of financial statement information prepared under IFRS: Evidence from debt contracts around IFRS adoption.Journal of Accounting Research,53(5), pp.915-963. Beke, J., 2010. Accounting Management by International Standards. International Journal of Business and Management.5(5). Biondi, Y., 2014. Harmonising European public sector accounting standards (EPSAS): issues and perspectives for Europes economy and society.Accounting, Economics and Law,4(3), pp.165-178. Bradshaw, M. T., 2008. Will Harmonizing Accounting Standards Really Harmonize Accounting? Evidence from Non-U.S. Firms Adopting U.S. GAAP. Journal of accounting, auditing and finance. 23(2). Pp 233-264.Combs, A., Samy, M. and Myachina, A., 2013. Cultural impact on the harmonisation of Russian Accounting Standards with the International Financial Reporting Standards: A practitioner's perspective. Journal of Accounting and organisational change. 9(1). Pp26-49. Cordazzo, M., 2013. The impact of IFRS on net income and equity: evidence from Italian listed companies. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 14(1). Pp 54-73. European commission, 2015. COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT. [online] Available at[Accessed 14 March 2016]. Harper, A. B., Leatherbury, L., Machuca, A. and Phillips, J. 2012. The Convergence Of Multinational Standards And Practices In International Financial Reporting. Journal of international education research.8(4). Jannelli, R. and Tesone, C., 2013. The Accounting Harmonization Process: Italian Public Principles and International Accounting Standards. Is It a Cultural Choice?. Open Journal of Accounting. 2. Pp 115-121. Nobes, C.W., 2014. Harmonization of accounting within the European communities: The fourth directive on company law.International Accounting and Transnational Decisions, p.111. Shim, J., Siegel, J. and Shim, J. , 2012.Financial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill. Terzungwe, N., 2012. Expected Benefits of Implementing Global Accounting Standards by Nigerian Business Entities. International Journal of Business and Management. 7(15). Teixeira, A., 2015. Conceptual framework for financial reporting: an introduction to the special issue. Accounting and Business Research. 45(5).
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
The Different Approaches in the Study of Personality
Table of Contents Introduction Biological Approach Humanistic Approach Personality Trait Approach Psychoanalytical Approaches Learning Approach References Introduction The study of personality is an intriguing subject. I carried out a literature review of different journal articles to analyze what different scholars had to say on the topic. In the book Essentials of Psychology authored by Robert Feldman the different approaches of studying human personality are highlighted in the fourteenth chapter.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Different Approaches in the Study of Personality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He begins by analyzing Sigmund Freud’s theory which proposes that the human personality is influenced by the experiences a human being goes through in the different stages of development. The biological approach argues that the personality of a human being is determined genetically. There are scholars who believe that personality is determined by the thoughts, values and feelings that people have. The personality trait theory proposes that the personality of a human being can be analyzed using five broad measures of personality traits. The measures focus on whether one is an extrovert or easy to get along with. Finally, there is the humanistic approach that proposes that humans are inherently good. They have positive influences on each other leading to growth of healthy personalities. This paper is an analysis of what different scholars have contributed to the study of the human personality. Biological Approach David Buss believes that the study of the biological approach will greatly help in understanding personality. Biology is the study of life. In psychology biological approaches provide different ways of evaluating psychological and behavioral trends. He mentions the three ways in his article as evolutionary, behavioral genetic and psycho physiological ap proaches (Buss, 1990). The biological study of personality has been greatly misunderstood. First of all, people think that there is a singular approach when it comes to the biological theory however there are several approaches. The second misconception causes people to believe biological approaches are against environmental approaches. This is false since evolutionary approaches describe how organisms adapt to their environments. Majority of personality research is done without the influence of a biological outlook. Buss shows that the biological viewpoint addresses nine concerns in the area of personality. He argues that it provides a sufficient explanation of human nature. A further study of biology will provide many solutions to uncover the mystery of genetic variability in species. It will also help in the identification of the fundamental behaviors that differentiate individuals. There is a need to provide clarity when it comes to the concepts of adaptation and adjustment. The biological approach provides the required information. It provides clarity since it recognizes the genesis of personality dispositions. It gives a closer look into personality development and the study of life history.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It also provides models and standards in analyzing personality forms instead of personality dimensions. It also shows the need of tackling the psychophysiology aspect of personality. Lastly, the biological approach helps one to concentrate on psychological mechanisms as the means of solving any problems that arise. The personality neuroscience field is based on the fact that one cannot comprehend the whole person exclusive of the human brain. Neuroscience methods are used to examine individual diversity. This is in relation to behavior, stimulus, feelings, and cognition. Personality psychology has clearly assisted scholars in u nderstanding the important dimensions of personality however it offers less in understanding the biological causes of these measures. The field of neuroscience has been growing rapidly and bringing more clarity in the area. DeYoung wrote an article where he gives analysis of the growth of neuroscience in examining personality traits structured using a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical model is based on the Big Five dimensions which are Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness or Intellect. He has gathered sufficient evidence proving that there are biological aspects that affect each personality trait. The data collected from personality psychology can be used in neuroscience studies. The psychological aspects that influence personality traits should interest someone who is fascinated by the study of personality neuroscience (DeYoung, 2010). Humanistic Approach Montouri and Fahim lay out a strong case on the impact of cross-cultural relationship s on personality. They examine what different writers have written on culture compared to their own personal experiences. They believe cross-cultural experiences should be seen as a source of positive impact on personality especially in the United States where there are many people of different cultures. In the United States people tend to be individualistic. They do not want to interact a lot with others. This mentality can cause people not to experience maximum personality growth (Montouri Fahim, 2004). Cross-cultural encounters cause people to examine their own beliefs and systems especially on how they perceiving the world around them. It causes one to engage in learning and relearning and in the process people experience a lot of growth and change. It makes individuals more open, friendly and accommodating. This is also an area of research that may provide great research materials.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Different Approaches in the Study of Personality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Patterson and Joseph studied the person-centered model in relation to modern developments in the field of positive psychology. Carl Rogers’s person-centered theory proposes that human species have an inherent trend toward growth, development and maximum functioning. This assumption is used as the leading code for client centered healing practice. The researchers came up with five hypotheses in order to test the assumptions of the person-centered theory. First of all they wanted to know whether men are born with an innate need to actualize. Are there socio-environmental conditions that increase the desire for self-actualization? They also wanted to know whether change process outcomes lead to healthy psychological functioning. Do others affect the change process? Do negative remarks stop the change process? Finally, will the changed share common values? Theoretical similariti es and points of union between the self-determination and person-centered model were pointed out. The self-determination theory analyses behaviors as either intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. The empirical evidence gathered showed significant implications on the major hypothesis of the person-centered model. The empirical findings showed that the five hypotheses raised were true (Patterson Joseph, 2007). The researchers argue that based on the results the person-centered model provides helpful conditions for the therapeutic transformation. The transformation leads to a favorable social environment. It is very important to use this convergence of theories and evidence to deal with the criticism of the person-centered model. There are arguments that the person-centered model lacks sufficient evidence. Researchers can use the evidence gathered concerning the person-centered approach by these authors in their future work. Meta-theoretical theories have potential contribution to positive psychology. Personality Trait Approach At times circumstances may force researchers to use short instruments or nil instruments while conducting various research projects. Gossling, Rentfrow, and Swann wrote an article where they evaluated the new 5 and 10-item measures of the big five personality dimension. The big five structure has great support. It is the most widely used research model for personality traits. However, it has not been accepted universally. Big five structure is a hierarchical theory of personality traits based on five wide factors. Researchers at time work on limited time. They are forced to use a brief instrument for the big-five personality dimension otherwise they will not conduct the research at all.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this article, studies are conducted to evaluate the new 5 and 10-item measures of the big five personality traits. The authors were looking at parameters such as test-retest reliability, patterns of predicted external correlates and unity between self and observers’ ratings. Their findings proved that the researchers may use brief instruments instead of the longer big-five instruments. There are times the research conditions necessitate the use of a brief instrument. The 10-item is recommended out of the two instruments. This is based on the fact that the instrument has proven to be psychometrically superior, it allows researchers to check for errors and it takes about one minute to complete the test (Gossling, Rentfrow, Swann, 2003). Sulloway did an analysis of the revolutionary theory and personality psychology and in light of the scientific revolutions that have taken place. Sulloway suggests that the birth order of children in a human family shapes their personalities . Children in human families fight for parental resources through creating distinctive roles for themselves. He argues that the first born is usually responsible, competitive and reserved while the rest get their identity by being playful and rebellious. The effects of birth order on children personalities were examined by Jefferson, Jeffrey and McCrae in 1998. Their findings revealed that there was no relationship between personality and birth order. They got a sample that was representative of the nation and analyzed several qualities in people. Was an individual an extrovert? Was he open to people? Their results on the adult sample revealed that altruism and tender-mindedness had little effect on the personality traits. In the analysis of age mates the observations or results showed that children who are not the first-borns were more open and agreeable however the observations on spouses did not advance the same theory. The findings collected failed to prove that personality play s a meditational role in Sulloway’s theory of scientific revolutions (Jefferson, Jeffrey McCrae, 1998). Based on these findings it is evident that both birth order and personality are independent predictors of creativity in human lives. Psychoanalytical Approaches Sigmund Freud who was a leading psycho-analyst discovered the Oedipus complex. He realized that children also have sexual feelings as adults. After Freud unearthed his childhood memories he formed a general theory which he called the Oedipus complex. This theory originates from the phallic period in a child based on his or her aggression towards the parents. This is the source of the whole psychological structure. He proposed that the external behavior of all people proved the existence of the complex. Afroz wrote an article where he attempted to identify the effects of Oedipus complex on external behavior of humans. He analyzed the results of tests carried out on a random sample of several males and females. Freud described four types of changes of the complex. They include socialized, anti-socialized, partially repressed and abnormally socialized type. This theory received a lot of critics from other researchers. The theory seemed controversial due to the high emphasis of the child’s sexuality as its origin. Freud truly believed so much in the sexual basis of the complex that he immediately refused to consider other explanations. After considering the results of the survey, the author concludes that the Oedipus complex is the source of all positive and negative emotions (Afroz, 2009). Baumeister, Dale and Sommer in 1998 carried out a literature review of different articles on Freud’s theory of defense mechanisms exhibited in individuals. The strategy adopted depends on an individual’s personality. The researchers focused on writers who had carried out various forms primary data collection and analysis. They focused on populations with no special cases when it came to de fense of self-esteem against threats that was not extreme in nature. They found that people did exhibit denial, reaction formation, isolation and undoing. However there was no conclusive evidence that projection, sublimation and displacement were used by personality types as defense mechanisms (Baumeister, Dale Sommer, 1998). It is an interesting area of personality and provides an area for further research. It would be interesting to find out why certain personalities chose one type of defense mechanism over the other. Learning Approach Dweck in 2008 was interested in finding out whether a person’s beliefs could change his or her personality. He believed more research should be carried out on beliefs since people’s personality transformed every time they acquired new beliefs. The case studies analyzed showed that the individuals who were open to change and acquiring new beliefs performed better in life when faced with challenges. Adopting a learning ability caused th em to be malleable increasing their adaptability in life. All they had to do was change their beliefs. Those who were rigid or fixed when hit with challenges were de-motivated. Secondly people’s acceptance or rejection caused people to behave in certain ways. If a person had a belief that he would be rejected, he would be insecure and have fragile relationships. People who knew they were accepted were more confident and exhibited stronger relationships and high confidence. If the expectations for acceptance or rejection were changed, it would have a profound change in someone’s personality. If one knew they were accepted, he would be more confident even in the face of challenges (Dweck, 2008). There is growth in interest in forming synthetic agents which are efficient as the human agents. This will require extensive programming to create such artificial agents who act as natural agents. Behavioral scientists are required to issue the codes for the system. They cannot a fford to act as consultants. Decoding the personality traits into the tangible behavior of agents using available modern programming structure has proven to be a hard task. This is due to the requirement of a level of code complexity which makes the system out of reach to the behavioral scientists. Simpkins, Isbel and Marcquez suggest that the reinforcement learning approach can solve the problem. Reinforcement learning approach attempts to equip the synthetic agents with human personality traits and motivational factors. The creation of a system that is accessible to the behavioral scientists and increases the knowledge of the rich agents directly while minimizing the complexity of the programming is promising. It is important to find a way to derive the concrete behavior of an agent straight from the psychological personality models. This vision needs to be studied further to make it a reality (Simpkins, Isbel and Marcquez, 2010). References Afroz, T. (2009). Social Explanation of Oedipus Complex: A Psycho-analysis of Human Behavior. TMC Academic Journal, 4(2): 8-18. Baumeister, R. Dale, K., Sommer, K.(1998). Freudian Defense Mechanisms and Empirical Findings in Modern Social Psychology: Reaction Formation, Projection, Displacement, Undoing, Isolation, Sublimation, and Denial. Journal of Personality, 66(6): 1081-1095. Buss, D. (1990). Towards a Biologically Informed Psychology of Personality. Journal of Personality, 15(8), 1-17. Dweck, C. (2008). Can Personality be Changed? The role of Beliefs in Personality and Change. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 391-394. DeYoung, C. (2010). Personality Neuroscience and the Biology of Traits. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4(12): 1165-1180. Jefferson, T., Jeffrey H. McCrae, R. (1998). Associations between Birth Order and Personality Traits: Evidence from Self-Reports and Observer Ratings. Journal of Research in Personality, 32, 498-509. Gossling, S., Rentfrow, P., Swann, W. (2003). A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504-528. Montouri, A. Fahim, U. (2004). Cross-Culture Encounter as an opportunity for Personal Growth. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 44, 243-265. Patterson, T. Joseph, S. (2007). Person-Centered Personality Theory: Support From Self Determination Theory And Positive Psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 47(1): 117-139. Simpkins, C., Isbel, C., Marcquez, N. (2010). Deriving Behavior from Personality: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Cognitive Modeling, 1-6. This research paper on The Different Approaches in the Study of Personality was written and submitted by user Zeke Beasley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Pesticides
What are pesticides? Pesticides are toxins, which are used by produce growers universally to control pests and insects that can destroy crops. Many times once these products are sold, these toxins are being ingested by humans in the forms of fruits and vegetables that have remaining toxins on them. There are many important issues in the world regarding the environment and it's affects on the average person. Yet pesticides are still found daily in foods all around the world. How safe are these toxins to humans and what is being done to safeguard the environment as well as the health of individuals? Does the average person consume harmful amounts of poison at every meal? If the levels are unsafe, why is this problem continuing to get a blind eye from the people who are supposed to protect society? These questions when asked only lead to more questions. Until things are done to change the systems of pesticide usage universally, society can never be sure as to the long term effects on our environment and what they are eating or giving to the future of our world, the children. In some foreign countries pesticides are used more frequently with legislative control than in the United States. In Central America and South America, for example, many of the pesticides that the United States and European countries have banned, wind up being used on a majority of their produce crops. One of these pesticides is DDT, which was the most common form of pesticide in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but has now been banned. The largest problem with this is that Europe and the United States import from South America for produce all of the time. Mexico and South America are the leading suppliers of produce for the earth's population. One reason is because their climate is steady enough to produce crops all year long. Unfortunately, those countries are also known for their large amount of insects of all varieties. Over 10 million species of different inse... Free Essays on Pesticides Free Essays on Pesticides PESTICIDES Pesticides are chemicals that are used to destroy pests. In the agricultural industry, pesticides are classified into two categories, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic. A carcinogenic pesticide is a substance or agent producing or inciting cancer. On the other hand, a non-carcinogenic pesticide is substance that does not produce or incite cancer. Most agricultural pesticides were registered in the 1950’s, with no standard regulations. The most considerable standard prior to the amendments of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) was if a revocation of a pesticide occurred. Today, the numerous amount of pesticides used in the United States are regulated by the FFDCA. The Delaney Clause and the Food Quality Protection Act have modified and enforced pesticide regulations. Consumer concerns with the usage of pesticides in the agricultural industry, in regards to health factors, have overwhelmed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and demand they e nforce pesticide regulations. With the assistance from other organizations such as the Senate Agriculture Committee (SAC), National Academy of Science (NAS), National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Consumers Union (CU), the EPA has made a notable progress. Throughout the years, consumers have pushed for research of the chemicals and substances that produce agricultural pesticides and what these pesticides do to our internal system. Congressman, James J. Delaney was also convinced that too many pesticide chemicals were found in foods. So in 1958, the House Select Committee investigated the use of chemicals in food products and amended section 409 of the FFDCA, in result creating The Delaney Clause. The bill The Delaney Clause was put into practice to avoid carcinogenic pesticides in the United States food supply. According to Congressional Reports, the intent of the bill was to reduce public exposure to a wide range of health eff... Free Essays on Pesticides What are pesticides? Pesticides are toxins, which are used by produce growers universally to control pests and insects that can destroy crops. Many times once these products are sold, these toxins are being ingested by humans in the forms of fruits and vegetables that have remaining toxins on them. There are many important issues in the world regarding the environment and it's affects on the average person. Yet pesticides are still found daily in foods all around the world. How safe are these toxins to humans and what is being done to safeguard the environment as well as the health of individuals? Does the average person consume harmful amounts of poison at every meal? If the levels are unsafe, why is this problem continuing to get a blind eye from the people who are supposed to protect society? These questions when asked only lead to more questions. Until things are done to change the systems of pesticide usage universally, society can never be sure as to the long term effects on our environment and what they are eating or giving to the future of our world, the children. In some foreign countries pesticides are used more frequently with legislative control than in the United States. In Central America and South America, for example, many of the pesticides that the United States and European countries have banned, wind up being used on a majority of their produce crops. One of these pesticides is DDT, which was the most common form of pesticide in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but has now been banned. The largest problem with this is that Europe and the United States import from South America for produce all of the time. Mexico and South America are the leading suppliers of produce for the earth's population. One reason is because their climate is steady enough to produce crops all year long. Unfortunately, those countries are also known for their large amount of insects of all varieties. Over 10 million species of different inse...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Assignment #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
#1 - Assignment Example His work can be used by the central banks to curb inflationary expectations appropriately. 2005: Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling: They received the award for their research of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis. Schelling applied the concepts of game-theory to international relations. Prof. Aumann’s work focused on the issue of effect of continued repetition of games on co-operation. 2004: Finn E. Kydland and Edward C. Prescott: They received the Noble prize for their research on effects of business cycles on international trade. They examined the driving forces behind business cycles, and analyzed the temporal consistency of economic policy 1998: Amartya Sen: Prof. Amartya Sen received the Noble prize for his work on welfare economics in case of famine, and suggestions to prevent it. His work focused on the human development theory, the underlying mechanism of poverty, and political liberalism. The Oxford English dictionary defines theory as â€Å"an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something†(â€Å"Theory†). Formulation of a theory is a step-by-step scientific process, starting from an opinion to stating the final theory. The starting point of a theory is an observation of a particular process. The interest created by this observation then leads to the formulation of an opinion regarding the process. This opinion is based on the available information regarding the same process, and the researcher’s beliefs. These opinions are also a reflection of the researcher’s expectations regarding the outcome of the enquiry. These opinion and observation then lead to the formulation of hypotheses. Hypothesis is a possible theoretical explanation of the observation made by a researcher to fill the gaps in the research previously done on the subject matter. This is followed by collection and classification of the data. Data collection is followed by the formulation of invariance
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Corporate communication plans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Corporate communication plans - Essay Example In the analysis using the various model such as power- interest matrix and stakeholder salience model, it shows the areas in which the Ryanair airline need to improve and change to be able their customer satisfaction. The report has put an effort to help the Ryanair Company to address the challenge by outline several proposals that can improve its reputation, quality of customer services and promotion of the company in the market by using its corporate communication effectively. Corporate communication is the strategy that organizations manage and plan both internal and external communications aiming at creating favorable and reputable view among its stakeholders. It is an integrative communication structure linking stakeholders to the organization, through it, stakeholders perception of the organizations identity and image and reputation are formed (John& Balmer, 1999). Corporate communication is considered key management function. It all about managing the relationship with a company with stakeholder to maximize the corporate reputation capital. Corporate communications have the significant role in creating and maintaining businesses images of corporate entities. It is an efficient strategy organization uses to communicate the brand value and reputation to its customers, stakeholders and the target audience. Corporate reputation is the major pillar that builds the image and distinguishes an organization from its competitors. Organizations with the good reputation have developed a picture of their customers mind that help in identifying the brand, logo, product and services an organization offers. The perception of financiers, customers, and stakeholders of any organization is based on the elements of corporate communication, where the corporate reputation is the core and enormous impact on both internal and external environment of the organization. However, when
Monday, January 27, 2020
An Explanation of Leadership Theories and Models
An Explanation of Leadership Theories and Models Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) An authoritarian leader makes decision without any consultations. According to Kurt Lewin, the autocratic leadership style is feasible when there is no need for input on the decision and the input will not affect the decision ultimately. Authoritarian leadership style often surfaces in work situations that require low-level skills from employees and are marked by low profit margins or tight cost controls. An example of an authoritarian leader is the traditional toothpaste manufacturer. Manufacturing toothpaste is a repetitive production and due to the low profit margins on each tube of toothpaste, decisions to tighten costs are arrived at the sole decision of the leader. Paternalistic leadership combines authoritarian leadership, or strong discipline and authority, with benevolent leadership, or fatherly care and concern for subordinates personal well-being. Examples of paternalistic leadership style are leaders of food and beverage restaurants. Fast food chain restaurants such as McDonalds and KFC are international brands. As certain standards and procedures are already in place, leaders make decisions to be aligned with the international standards but also have an open-door policy that concentrates on building relationships with the employees. A participative leader shares decision making with group members and accepts suggestions although the final decision may vary as the leader has the final say. According to Lewin, participative leadership style can win the cooperation of employees and motivate them effectively. An example of a participative leadership style is a high-tech manufacturer. As technology is constantly changing, leaders in high-tech organizations promote two-way communications and embrace suggestions from employees. Apple and Microsoft encourage their employees to share ideas and feasible suggestions are later decided to incorporate into their products. The laissez-faire leadership style minimizes the leaders involvement in decision-making and allows employees to make their own decisions such as setting their own policies and methods. Laissez-faire leaders may still be responsible for the outcome of their employees decisions. Laissez-faire works best when people are capable and motivated in making their own decisions and there is no requirement for a central coordination. An example is an entertainment firm that specializes in provision of performance arts. When dealing with a range of artists, employees must be given the freedom to decide on the soft-people skills to tackle each artist. As such, a centralized structure is not feasible for such a versatile industry. Another example is the modeling agencies. As models responsibilities are to portray the clients advertising intents, models must be given the freedom to work closely with the clients. Thus due to the unique nature of the working environment, laissez-faire leadership styl e is more appropriate for the management of such entertainment and modeling agencies. A Leadership Grid (Contingency Leadership Styles) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios High A2 B1 B2 Low C1 C2 A1 Low High Concern for People vs Concern for Work Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The Leadership Grid also known as Managerial Grid, developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, is a framework that simultaneously specifies concern for the production and people dimensions of leadership because to achieve effective leadership, leader must integrate the task and relationship orientations. Concern for production is the degree to which a leader emphasizes on concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task. Concern for people is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of team members, their interests, and areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task. Low People, Low Work (Impoverished Leadership) Similar to laissez-faire leadership, this leader is mostly ineffective. He has neither a high regard for creating systems for getting the work done nor for creating a work environment that is satisfying and motivating. The result is a place of disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony. Entertainment firm and modeling agencies use this leadership style. Leaders of entertainment firm empower employees the flexibility to deal with artists due to the different personality of artists. Similarly, leaders of modeling agencies do not interfere with the models job. As models are required to display the fashion personality of the clients apparel, they are given the freedom to work closely with clients to ensure objectives are met and clients satisfaction is maximized. Low People, High Work (Produce or Perish Leadership) This style of leader is also known as Authoritarian or Compliance Leaders. These leaders believe that employees are simply a means to an end. Employee needs are always secondary to the need for efficient and productive workplaces. This type of leader is very autocratic, has strict work rules, policies and procedures, and views punishment as the most effective means to motivate employees. (Theory XY) Traditional manufacturer uses this leadership style. Such organization has a set of policies and procedures for employees to abide. Furthermore, mechanized technologies are used in the production of toothpaste which leads to minimal human interference. As such, employees are seemed as an operation tool in the production of toothpaste (the result). High People, Low Work (Country Club Leadership) The leader is most concerned about the needs and feelings of members of his team. These leaders operate under the assumption that as long as team members are happy and secure, they will work hard. What tends to result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun but at the expense of production due to lack of direction and control. High People, High Work (Team Leadership) This is the pinnacle of managerial style. These leaders stress production needs and the needs of the people equally highly. The premise here is that employees are involved in understanding organizational purpose and determining production needs. When employees are committed to, and have a stake in the organizations success, their needs and production needs coincide. This creates a team environment based on trust and respect, which leads to high satisfaction and motivation and, as a result, high production. (Theory Y) Hi-tech manufacturer uses this leadership style. Due to the advancement of technology, these organizations need to respond quickly to the change in environment to stay competitive. As such, leaders often convey and instill the organizations objective in employees to achieve organizations success. Also, leaders encourage employees to share their suggestions into making the organizations products more successful. Such leadership ensures organizations success and employees fulfillment. FB restaurants and fast food chains use this leadership style. Such organizations focus on delivering customer satisfactions through their food. These organizations embed the human touch element in their culture. While the quality of the food is not compromise, leaders of such organizations show care and concern for their employees. Due to personal commitments, the leaders may allow the employees to adapt a flexi-working hours which can greatly affect the manpower during peak periods. The Managerial Grid A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios (9, 9) (9, 1) (1, 9) (5, 5) (1, 1) 1 Low Concern for Production 9 High High 9 1 Low Concern for People Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The Managerial Grid also known as Leadership Grid, developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, is a framework that simultaneously specifies concern for the production and people dimensions of leadership because to achieve effective leadership, leader must integrate the task and relationship orientations. Concern for production is the degree to which a leader emphasizes on concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task. Concern for people is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of team members, their interests, and areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task. According to Blake and Mouton, the Managerial Grid defined the following five leadership styles: Produce or Perish Leadership (9,1 high production, low people) This style of leader is also known as Authoritarian or Compliance Leaders. These leaders believe that employees are simply a means to an end. Employee needs are always secondary to the need for efficient and productive workplaces. This type of leader is very autocratic, has strict work rules, policies and procedures, and views punishment as the most effective means to motivate employees. Traditional manufacturer uses this leadership style. Such organization has a set of policies and procedures for employees to abide. Furthermore, mechanized technologies are used in the production of toothpaste which leads to minimal human interference. As such, employees are seemed as an operation tool in the production of toothpaste (the result). Country Club Leadership (1,9 low production, high people) The leader is most concerned about the needs and feelings of members of his team. These leaders operate under the assumption that as long as team members are happy and secure, they will work hard. What tends to result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun but at the expense of production due to lack of direction and control. Impoverished Leadership (1,1 low production, low people) This leader is mostly ineffective. He has neither a high regard for creating systems for getting the work done nor for creating a work environment that is satisfying and motivating. The result is a place of disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony. Entertainment firm and modeling agencies use this leadership style. Leaders of entertainment firm empower employees the flexibility to deal with artists due to the different personality of artists. Similarly, leaders of modeling agencies do not interfere with the models job. As models are required to display the fashion personality of the clients apparel, they are given the freedom to work closely with clients to ensure objectives are met and clients satisfaction is maximized. Middle-of-the-Road Leadership (5,5 middle production, middle people) This style seems to balance the two competing concerns. It may at first appear to be an ideal compromise. However, a problem lies within. When the leader compromise, he tends to give away a bit of each concern so that neither production nor people needs are fully met. Leaders who us this style settle for average performance and often believe that this is the most anyone can expect. FB restaurants and fast food chains use this leadership style. Such organizations focus on delivering customer satisfactions through their food. These organizations embed the human touch element in their culture. While the quality of the food is not compromise, leaders of such organizations show care and concern for their employees. Due to personal commitments, the leaders may allow the employees to adapt a flexi-working hours which can greatly affect the manpower during peak periods. Team Leadership (9,9 high production, high people) This is the pinnacle of managerial style. These leaders stress production needs and the needs of the people equally highly. The premise here is that employees are involved in understanding organizational purpose and determining production needs. When employees are committed to, and have a stake in the organizations success, their needs and production needs coincide. This creates a team environment based on trust and respect, which leads to high satisfaction and motivation and, as a result, high production. Hi-tech manufacturer uses this leadership style. Due to the advancement of technology, these organizations need to respond quickly to the change in environment to stay competitive. As such, leaders often convey and instill the organizations objective in employees to achieve organizations success. Also, leaders encourage employees to share their suggestions into making the organizations products more successful. Such leadership ensures organizations success and employees fulfillment . The model proposes that when both people and production concerns are high, employee engagement and productivity increases accordingly. This is often true and it follows the ideas of Theories X and Y, and other participative management theories. Transformational vs Transactional Leadership A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Transformational Leader Transactional Leader A2 C1 C2 A1 B1 B2 Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) Transactional leadership assumes that work is done only because it is rewarded and thus the leader focuses on designing tasks and reward structures. It may not be the most appealing leadership strategy in building relationships and developing a long-term motivating work environment, it is workable in most organizations on a daily basis to get work done. This leadership style starts with the idea that employees agree to obey their leader totally when they accept a job. The leader has a right to punish the employees if their work does not meet the standard. Under transactional leadership, little can be done to improve employees job satisfaction. Transactional leadership is a type of management rather than a true leadership style because the focus is on short-term tasks. It has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work. Examples of transactional leadership can be found in traditional manufacturer organisations, FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants. Work structur es in these organizations are typically standard and routine and thus, employees experience minimal job satisfaction. In these organizations, the relationship between the leader and employees is similar to that of a transaction, whereby the leader rewards/pays the employees for the work done. Transformational leaders are true leaders who inspire employees constantly with a shared vision of the future. They are exceptionally motivating and trusted. While this leaders enthusiasm is often passed onto the team, he needs to be supported by detail people. That is why in many organizations, both transactional and transformational leadership are needed. The transactional leaders (or managers) ensure that routine work is done reliably while the transformational leaders look after initiatives that add value. Transformational leaders are found in hi-tech manufacturer, entertainment firm and modeling agency. Leaders in such organizations have the vision and foresight to bring the organizations to greater heights through a healthy and interactive relationship with the employees. Leaders in hi-tech manufacturer such as Apple welcome and embrace suggestions from employees to improve its products that appeal to the consumers. As such, Apple has been very successful over the years in prod ucing gadgets for consumers worldwide. Leaders in entertainment firms strive to bring their arts to the world and promote their countries cultural arts. This is to prevent the extinction of cultural arts. Leaders in modeling agencies usually have the passion for fashion. They inspire models to display and bring to life the fashion personality of the designers. (E) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Theory X Theory Y A1 B1 B2 A2 C1 C2 Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) Accordingly Douglas McGregor, Theory X (authoritarian management style) assumes that the average person has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can. Because of their dislike for work, most people must be controlled and threatened before they will work hard enough. The average person prefers to be directed, dislikes responsibility, is unambiguous and desires security above everything. These assumptions give rise to both tough management with punishments and tight controls, and soft management which aims at harmony at work. In actual facts, a person needs more than financial rewards at work. He also needs some deeper higher order motivation such as the opportunity to fulfill himself. Theory X managers however, do not give their employees this opportunity. In traditional manufacturer organizations, FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants, jobs are often rigid and routine. Basically, employees do not expect any variances in their daily work. Thus they are tasked to simply perform routine work without the need to bother about anything else. According to McGregor, Theory Y (participative management style) assumes that the physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. Control and punishment are not the only methods to make people work. Man will exert self-direction if he is committed to the organizations aims. The average man learns under proper conditions not only to accept but to seek responsibility. A large number of employees use imagination, creativity and ingenuity to solve work problems. Although Theory Y is difficult to put into practice on the shop floor in large mass production operations, it is used initially to manage managers. In situations where it is possible to obtain commitment to objectives, it is better to explain the matter fully so that employees grasp the purpose of an action. They will then exert self-direction and control to do better work than if they had simply carry out an order. In hi-technology organizations, entertainment firms and modeling agencies, employees are often pa ssionate about the jobs and thus are empowered to take on greater responsibility in handling situations. Due to the uncertainty of the industries, employees need to respond timely to environmental changes. In a nutshell, McGregor wants managers to put into operation the basic assumption that Staff will contribute more to the organization if they are treated as responsible and valued employees. (F) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Transformational A2 C1 C2 Transactional A1 B1 B2 Theory X Theory Y Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The concept of transactional and transformational leadership, and Theories X and Y has been covered in the above questions. Transactional leadership Theory X Due to the routine and rigidity of work in traditional manufacturing organizations and FB restaurants, leaders believe that employees dislike work and will avoid it if possible. Thus, transactional leadership is often used in these organizations to reward employees in order to get work done. Transactional leadership Theory Y As most fast food chain restaurants already have worldwide presence, transactional leaders must ensure that the restaurants standard is consistent with the chains predetermined principles. In order to achieve this, leaders engage in a transaction relationship with employees by providing adequate rewards to employees. However, cultures across countries vary. Understanding this cultural difference, country leaders encourage employees to share their views to improve the fast food restaurants into a better dining choice for consumers. Transformational leadership Theory Y Hi-technology manufacturing organizations, entertainment firms and modeling agencies adapt transformational leadership because leaders are ambitious and believe that the organizations have the capability to attain greater heights. Leaders in such organizations share and instill the organizations vision to employees and highlight that every employees play an important part in the organizations success. Due to the turbulent environment of these industries, employees are empowered with the flexibility to solve work problems. As such, employees are encouraged to assume greater responsibility. (G) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios organic organization A2 B2 C1 C2 mechanistic organization A1 B2 Theory X Theory Y Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) Mechanistic organizations have clear well-defined, centralized, vertical hierarchies of command, authority and control. Efficiency and predictability are emphasized through specialization, standardization and formalization. As such, it results in rigidly defined jobs, technologies and processes. Organizational structures, processes and roles function like a machine in which each part of the organization does what it is designed to accomplish. Mechanistic organizations are often appropriate in stable environments and for routine tasks and technologies. Organic organizations are decentralized with flexible, broadly defined jobs and have relatively few and broadly defined rules, procedures and processes. Such organizations focus on interdependence among employees and units, multi-directional communication, employee initiative, and employee participation in problem solving and decision making. Organic organizations are highly suitable for unstable, turbulent environments and for non-routine tasks and technologies. In organic organizations, the emphasis is on effectiveness, problem solving, responsiveness, flexibility, adaptability, creativity and innovation. Such an organization responds timely to environmental change because employees are empowered to be creative, to experiment and to suggest new ideas. The process of innovation is triggered by employees throughout the organization in a bottom-up manner. The concept of Theories X and Y has been covered in the above questions. Mechanistic organization, Theory X A traditional manufacturing organization operates in a relatively stable environment and jobs are often rigidly defined. Such organizations adapt mechanistic management system whereby production processes and techniques are employed to minimize waste and maximize outputs for a given quantity of inputs. The ultimate goal of mechanistic structure is efficiency. Due to the routine and non-challenging daily work, leaders believe that employees dislike work and will avoid it if possible. Thus, transactional leadership is often used in these organizations to reward employees in order to get work done. Mechanistic organization, Theory Y As most fast food chain restaurants already have worldwide presence, there is clear command and control to ensure that every countrys restaurants standard is consistent with the chains predetermined principles. Thus, mechanistic structure is employed to achieve the desire objective. Recognizing the cross-cultural differences, country leaders encourage employees to share their views to improve the fast food restaurants into a better dining choice for consumers. Organic organizations, Theory Y Hi-technology manufacturing organization, FB restaurants, entertainment firms and modeling agencies operate in a highly turbulent environment and are very vulnerable to competition. Thus, these organizations employed the organic management system to respond timely to the environmental changes. Employees are required to work cross-functionally cohesively to ensure challenges are addressed promptly. Employees in such organizations identify themselves with the organizations and assume greater responsibility to ensure corporate success. (H) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios organic organization A2 C1 C2 mechanistic organization A1 B1 B2 Transactional leadership Transformational leadership Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The concepts of mechanistic and organic organization, as well as transactional and transformational leadership have been covered in the above questions. Due to the routine and rigidity of job scope in the traditional manufacturing organizations, FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants, these organizations have a mechanistic structure with well-defined command and control. Employees suggestions and views usually have no impact on the organizations decisions. Thus due to the lack of job satisfactions in employees, transactional leadership is usually used in such organizations to get work done. As hi-technology manufacturing organizations, entertainment firms and modeling agencies operate in a highly unstable environment and are vulnerable to competitions, organic structures are more appropriate to ensure changes to the environment are responded to promptly. Such organizations are led by transformational leaders as they have the foresight and motivation attributes to influence and lead the employees and organizations towards greater heights. Most importantly, transformational leaders have the ability to solve problem efficiently. (I) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Transformational A2 C1 C2 Transactional A1 B1 B2 Authoritarian Paternalistic Participative Laissez-faire Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The concepts of transactional, transformational, authoritarian, paternalistic, participative and laissez-faire leadership have been covered in the above questions. Transactional and authoritarian leaderships are employed in traditional manufacturing organizations. As the job scopes are routine and well-defined, employees are required to follow and adhere to instructions from the management. Little variations occur in such organizations. Furthermore, due to the lack of job satisfactions in employees, leaders reward employees so as to get the work done promptly. If employees work standard falls below expected, leaders have the rights and authority to impose punishment on employees. Transactional and paternalistic leaderships are used in FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants. Instructi
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